Friday, 9 November 2012

North Borneo 2 cents (1954 definitive)

This stamp depicts someone playing a "native musical instrument". The musical instrument shown is known as a sompoton. The sompoton is made from a gourd and bamboo, and is traditionally played by the people of the Kadazan-Dusun tribe. I can still find the sompoton being sold at arts & crafts markets, the tamu, and souvenir shops in Sabah (though those sold as souvenirs may not be playable).

The instrument is played by blowing or inhaling through the mouthpiece (gourd) and closing and opening the tops of the bamboo reeds with the right-hand fingers. It comes in various sizes and produces varying pitch, but is usually around 2 feet (0.6m) in length. The smaller instruments are usually played while being held vertically or diagonally, while larger instruments are held horizontally as depicted on the stamp.

This website has a playable link where you can listen to the melody a sompoton can produce. 

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